Art Legacy Archives

Art legacy archives or studio archives capture the enduring legacy of an artist, or a collection, and the influence and impact they have on the world around them while also understanding the unique methodology or their processes in practice.
Vast documentation about the art, the impulses and influences that shaped it, reactions from peers and society at large, its own influence on the art and culture that came after it, its journey through ownership, along with the narratives about the people and times that exist around that art – all painstakingly put together by Eka’s team of art historians, researchers and culture archivists – form the foundation of the art legacy archive.

Our expertise in art handling, restoration and conservation, provenance, exhibit display and storage and logistics ensures 100% material sanctity as the collection is prepared to be cast in the best possible way for the Art Legacy Archive.
The art legacy archive is brought alive through close collaboration with exhibition and museum designers, architects and new media professionals.
Eka is committed to shape the archive’s final form – whether physical or virtual – in a way that the art and stories around it awes, influences and inspires the widest audience possible.
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